Monday 8 July 2013

Yi-Wen - 2013 WPFG Games Ambassador

Hello there! My name is Yi-Wen Hsu and I am a volunteer for the 2013 Games. I have been involved in variety of volunteer roles for over 10 years, ranging from health promotion, community work, supporting the disabled and elderly to acting as an interpreter for the London Olympic Games. My parents also volunteer regularly and they are the people who inspired me the most; they have taught me to help others whenever I can.  I believe the world can actually change for the better if everyone helps each other!

Participating in the Olympics was an incredible experience and when I heard that the World Police and Fire Games were coming to Belfast, I jumped at the chance to volunteer! My role will be as a Games Ambassador where I will support visitors, athletes and their families.

I really enjoyed the Volunteer Orientation Event in Belfast, it was truly impressive! It started with amazing African music greeting us at the arrival point and then an Indian dance performance on stage. It totally reflected the spirit of WPFG - a truly worldwide, multicultural event.  Dame Mary Peters and other representatives from the Games provided many inspirational speeches and shared their valuable experiences with us. The greatest part was to meet all the other WPFG volunteers there; I know we will all deliver the best service and make the Games a great success!!!!

Thanks to Volunteer Now for their wonderful hosting skills and for bringing us all together. The WPFG is our chance to show the world how amazing Northern Ireland is; I cannot wait to put on the volunteer uniform and give everyone our warmest welcome. Bring it on!! 


  1. So great to have all the volunteers helping in every way they can. Without you, no Games. Thank heaps!!

  2. Thanks to all the volunteers the games are posible year by year. Thank you all.talking about can I post in this blog??
