Saturday 3 August 2013

Cycling Road Race in Carrickfergus

By Volunteer Kathleen Cassidy

Arriving in a car amidst a sea of bikes was quite daunting as bikes were definitely the superior vehicle on the road today around  Carrickfergus. Battling my way through bikes and Lycra, to an extremely helpful event organisers team, where I managed to blag my way into the Chief Commissionaire vehicle to view the race.

Before everyone pedalled to Kilroot Power Station for the start I found some cheery competitors to chat to. First I found an Australian police veteran male duo who were checking over their bikes in preparation for the race. They both were relaxed about the race and were loving the games so far, with added beautiful scenery as bonus! I also spied a Garda Siochana female competitor warming up on her rollers (not hair but a bike placed on rollers so you can pedal as if on an exercise bike) and she was certainly putting pedal to the metal and the race hadn't even begun!

Piling into the commissionaire car we followed the 100 odd competitors to the start and then things got interesting. What people don't see in a race is the background work, the communication between each safety car, bikes and medics is a feat in itself. Cyclist-come-racing-car-driver (for the day) Johnny Bears was behind the wheel as he navigated in and out of the cyclists shouting out competitor numbers to Jack WIlson, Secretary for cycling Ireland and an International Official.

Jack explained "The 18 mile course is hilly and it's very windy today but any day is windy for a cyclist! Caroline Ryan is a strong rider and it’s no surprise she won the women's, she took the lead from very early on and was at least 12secs ahead of the pack. However she did compete in the Olympics and is an Irish International. But what was a surprise was how quickly in the last couple of km Mike Seguin from Chicago Fire caught up with her and won the men's veteran."

What was really great to see was all the supporters out along the 18mile course cheering and clapping and giving the competitors a real Northern Ireland welcome. Down Hill cyclists were doing up to 40mph and in the men's 50mph - it was amazing to see them whizz past in a blur of colours and resounding cheers.

Find out more about the cycling at:

1 comment:

  1. I just got out of nap and I am already reading your articles. This signifies something! Very useful info. Thank you!
    Cycling Games 43
